2007 m. gruodžio 11 d., antradienis

Chimps beat humans in memory test (restatement summary)

It was thought, that chimps can't match humans irn any mental skills.

It was made a test with three pairs of chimpanzees mother and baby against university students. Chimps were taught to count from one to nine. During the experiment on the monitor were shown numbers then they were hidden with squares. The test subject should remember right numbers place. Results showed that young chimps were fastiest.

After this experiment researchers started to think that young chimps have a photographic memory.

2007 m. lapkričio 29 d., ketvirtadienis

A person who makes an influence on me

I’m going to talk about a person who makes an influence on me. Well, this person is my best friend Aiste.

We meet when we were about 4 or 5 years old. The meeting was in our yard. Me introduced to her my brother. He’s older that me so I always tagged along him. So my brother decided to offload me. His plan was successful. After that meeting I always played with Aiste so we grew up together. If she didn’t go somewhere than I also stay at home. If she was upset my mood also wasn’t very good. People said that we look almost the same because we are sisters. Even my classmates said so although they knew that I have only an older brother.
Now we spent less time together than in the past because we live in different cities. Her influence on me and mine on her decreased but still survived. I can’t think about life without her because she made my life funnier and more exciting.

2007 m. lapkričio 20 d., antradienis


A phobia is an excessive or unreasonable fear of a specific object or situation. If person is exposed to the thing he’s afraid of, he become overwhelmed with extreme with extreme feelings of anxiety, fear and even panic.

There are five types of phobias:
  • animal (fear of snakes, of spiders);
  • natural environment (fear of heoghts, of storms);
  • situational (fear of flying, of dentist);
  • blood-injection-injury (fear of blood, of injury);
  • other phobias (includes all phobias that don't fall into one of the first four (f.e. fear of illness, of clown, of death).

I want to write more about Aerophobia and Nomatophobia.

Aerophobia - a fear of flying. Many famous people suffer from this phobia such as Whoopi Goldberg, Billy Bob Thornton, Mahammad Ali, Jennifer Aniston, Michael Jackson and others. The cause could be that in peoples past there was likely a bad event or emotional trauma.

Nomatophobia - a fear of names. I haven't found a famous person, which suffers from such phobia. Causes are likely the same as aerophobias. Symptoms typicall include shortness of breathe, irregular heartbeat, sweeting, nausea, overall feeling of dread, also everyone experiences in their own way and have different symptoms.

Also I want to say about my phobia. It called brantophobia - a fear of lightning and thunder. When I was little my family had a grange near the forest. We spent there our weekends. One day was thunder with lightening. Whole family hid in the house but suddenly through the chimney flyed in a globe-lightnening. After this adventure I fear of thunders with lightnening and when they start I hide in my bed. It's not sa save place but under a wrap you can't see anything what is happening around.

P.S. Of the different types of anxiety disorders, phobias are the most common. The American Psychiatric Association reports that each year about 8% of American adults suffer from as phobia. In fact, phobias are the most common psychological disorder among women and the second most common disorder among men over 25.

2007 m. spalio 1 d., pirmadienis

Psychology of color

Why people wear colorful clothes? Because from ancient ages colors have had its own meaning and the most important colors were blue, red, green, yellow, orange and indigo.
In ancient cultures colors were used to heal and it called chromo therapy. It was thought that red color stimulates the body and mind and increases circulation. Yellow was thought to stimulate nerves and purify the body. Orange was used to heal the lungs and to increase energy levels. Blue was believed to soothe illnesses and treat pain. Indigo shades were thought to alleviate shin problems.
Nowadays it is still thinking that colors may have influence in healing. Red evokes strong emotions and associates with love, warmth and comfort. Green symbolizes nature and represents tranquility, good luck, health and jealousy. Blue calls to mind feelings of calmness or serenity but also can create feelings of sadness or aloofness.
To sum up, I think that it’s not important the colors meaning. If man or women likes that color they wear such colors clothes.

2007 m. rugsėjo 19 d., trečiadienis

Psychology working fields

Psychology has many subfields but the basic are business, social and education. Each field is different and has its own pros and cons.
The majority of psychologists work in social field. Why? Well, I think that there work people, which are friendly and like communicate with other people. Work in this field is also interesting because each day is different. Disadvantage could be small salary and tiring work because all day communicate with people is hard.
Only a few percent of psychologists work in education/academic field. I think this field is very serious and fit only for several people of hundred. I don`t say that this field is boring but here people must go deep into this field and over and over renew your knowledge.
The other work in business field. This field has the biggest salaries. Here work creative people because business every day changes and needs new ideas. I think that in this field is only one disadvantage that people must be very responsible for their work.

2007 m. rugsėjo 7 d., penktadienis

Why I have chosen psychology to study

Well, this year I started to study psychology. Why? It`s a good question. For people who ask me such question i answer that it happened by chance. My dream proffesion was architecture but my exam results were too low to join architecture studies in university.

But now I`m happy. I understood that being a psychologist can be very exciting. Psychologist help people to solve their problems or just hear them out because nowadays many people won`t listen their friends or even mans or wifes problems. They have their own. So psychologist communicates with people, knows a lot about people behaviour and thoughts.

In the future I`ll have a very interesting work. Sometimes coincidence could be very useful.