2008 m. gruodžio 1 d., pirmadienis


SUMMARIES; This semester we haven't written a lot of summaries so actually I don't know how I'll perform in this task at the exam paper. Last semester we wrote a lot of summaries so I hope that I will remember everything and do all of my best.
ESP VOCABULARY TESTS; my performance was bad. I haven't done all of my best because usually I haven't read modules, only definitions. This semesters tests were much heavier than the last semesters'. That is because in the tests were not only definitions but also some information from text.
DICTATIONS; my performance in this task is better than last semester. Less mistakes and I understand everything what is said, so I can write it down.
PARTICIPATIONS IN CLASS DISCUSSIONS; I haven't talked a lot. I know that I improved my speaking, pronunciation, but only because of that, that during summer I was in the USA.
PRESENTATIONS; this skill was worse than last term. Last year I wanted to show that I can make very good presentation and my theme was interesting and this semester I have chosen not so interesting theme so I didn't strived a lot.
LISTENING ACTIVITIES IN CLASS; This skill I improved. Last term it was awful and now it's one of my best skills. I improved it because I spent whole summer in the USA and I needed to speak and also to understand everything in English.
LISTENING TO PEERS' POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS; I think that my group mates have improved their speaking and pronunciation so this semester it was quite easy to listen and to follow what they were saying.

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