2007 m. rugsėjo 7 d., penktadienis

Why I have chosen psychology to study

Well, this year I started to study psychology. Why? It`s a good question. For people who ask me such question i answer that it happened by chance. My dream proffesion was architecture but my exam results were too low to join architecture studies in university.

But now I`m happy. I understood that being a psychologist can be very exciting. Psychologist help people to solve their problems or just hear them out because nowadays many people won`t listen their friends or even mans or wifes problems. They have their own. So psychologist communicates with people, knows a lot about people behaviour and thoughts.

In the future I`ll have a very interesting work. Sometimes coincidence could be very useful.

2 komentarai:

Valdone rašė...

As I undrestood, you feel the same as me. I'm talking about chosing to study psychology just by accident, but despite that, enjoying studies. :)

Ignytte rašė...

Oh, I want to understand people too. I think it is a good point to be a psychologist :) good luck !