2008 m. gegužės 8 d., ketvirtadienis


  • SUMMARIES; My performance in writting summarys was quite good. I am happy with that because I have never knew how to write without mistakes. And my summaries marks joy me.
  • ESP VOCABULARY TESTS; My performance was quite bad. I haven't done all of my best maybe because of my laziness.
  • SELF-DESIGNED TESTS; This task was interesting and my performance was much better than in vocabulary tests.
  • DICTATIONS; This task was not successful. My grammar skill is poor and it doesn't help to write dictattions without mistakes.
  • CONTRIBUTIONS TO WEBLOG; This task was interesting. But I don't know whether it was successful or no because I don't know my marks, so I don't know i have improved it or no.


  • PARTICIPATIONS IN CLASS DISCUSSIONS; I have improved this skill. Last term I was afraid of my mistakes in speking so I tryed to be silent and not talk very much but know my anxiety has gone and I'm trying to say something of course if I have what to say.
  • PRESENTATIONS; This skill also was better than last term. This time I spend more time in doing presentation, tried not to read and I'm happy with my performance except bad pronunciation.
  • SPEAKING IN PAIRS; There is a lot of information that you want to say but you can't because of poor vocabulary. I think that in this skill I haven't improved myself.


  • LISTENING ACTIVITIES IN CLASS; This skill sometimes is better and sometimes worse. This is unnacountable thing. Of course sometimes the task ir harder and sometimes easier but maybe it depends on introversion and the quality of record.
  • LISTENING TO PODCASTS; Interesting task but the stories are sometimes very boring and when you are listening to them you feel asleep. but my performance in that was't bad and I'm happy.
  • LISTENING OUTSIDE CLASS IF ANY; Sometimes I whatch english chanels and try to understand what they are talking about. If the words aren't specific i can understand the mind. Although this term I had a lot of practise in speaking and listening because I went to USA embassy and I needed to have a conversation with USA embassy employee. Everything was good and I understood everything what they have said to me.


  • HOME READING; this task is quite hard because you need to screw oneself to do this task. And sometimes it is very hard.
  • CLASS READING; This task maybe is harder than home reading task because when we all are trying to read we can't. Almost always we start to speak about our lectures and so on and the reading task became second thing which we don't do as good as we can.
  • READING COMPREHENSION EXERCISES; When you need just to understand the whole tekst mind it is easier than to translate each sentence.
  • COMPUTER TASKS; It is interesting task especially when we need to read an article. And than discuss about it. I'm happy with this tasks performance.